Thursday, March 01, 2007

regurgitated thoughts, or just impulses

Two cities in one – the cliché of a statement about Mumbai

You gape, what stops them from running with their crockery as weapons

From the adjoining slums to those concrete structures, the buildings

Banging the air-conditioned people out and taking their money away

What stops them –

Civilization, honesty, integrity, humanity…

Politicians, Media, NGO, Police, State

Du Mont, Gramsci, Gandhi…

Maybe “Absence of Realization that they can do it”

People who call them out to do it, their intentions

Such interrogation of intentions ends up in a confession

Solving the personal problem through political means

Sad, Sad, Sad, Sad…

Revolution, Mediation, compromise…regurgitated thoughts, or just impulses…

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