Sunday, September 09, 2007

haven’t I drooled over expressions like ‘sunny rainfall'

This week has been a week of readings. So, I have read and intend to READ throughout the weekend. There is an exasperation and a certain feeling of seductiveness accompanying the process of ‘reading’ and the reason I cannot write more on it is because of my inability to find reasons for why this READING process is the way it is……..wonderfully ambiguous and oxymoronish…haven’t I drooled over expressions like ‘sunny rainfall' and ‘optimistically pessimist’, partly an explanation…certainly and certainly not... before I actually get my hands at a camera here, lets have some SL pics of BG


Saurabh A said...

ya dude... waiting for that interplay of images out of ur eye and ur rumblings on the same...

mphaxise said...

you doing some research on second life?